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Lodging Property
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Aspiring Innkeeper
Innsitter Associate
Become a business member
Michigan Bed and Breakfast Association members want to learn about products and services that will benefit their business and look to MBBA for information and recommendations. Join MBBA today to gain the attention and trust of potential innkeeper customers.
Business Partner
$300 annual membership dues Contact information and links from Preferred Vendors Listing page
Up to four complimentary ads or promotional stories annually in the monthly MBBA eNewsletter
One-time per year complimentary print membership mailing list, with additional mailing lists purchasable at $50 each
Member-wide electronic news blast available once annually at a fee of $100
For real estate agents, an unlimited number of free listings on the Inns for Sale page
Aspiring Innkeeper (click for application/payment form)
$99 per year
Listing as Aspiring Innkeeper on the Aspiring Innkeeper section of
Monthly eNewsletter and other alerts
Invitations to regional receptions and Annual Conference
Waiver of the $50 not-yet-member fee for the Annual Conference
Access to the Innkeeper Shadowing Program fostered by the Association
Inn Sitter (click for application/payment form)
$50 per year
Contact information and link from the Preferred Vendors page of
Monthly eNewsletter and other alerts
Invitations to regional receptions and Annual Conference
Waiver of the $50 not-yet-member fee for the Annual Conference
Advertise an inn for sale
Non-Members can advertise on our Inns for Sale page. $125 per 12-month placement, payable in advance
Advertise in member e-newsletter
Reach MBBA member innkeepers and associate members (Aspiring Innkeepers, Inn Sitters, and Preferred Vendors) by advertising in our e-newsletter, published about 12 times a year. A $25 fee allows you to place a one-time article of up to 100 words, including a headline plus clickable links to your website and contact information. Add a photo or logo for $10.